
The Dangers of Sewage Backups

It’s not hard to imagine the range of plumbing issues you might encounter as a homeowner. On one end of the spectrum, you may experience a minor leak or a sluggish drain. On the other end of this scale are more severe problems, such as sewage backups. Although many of us might like to think that sewage backups are a very rare occurrence, they are becoming more common as time goes on.


Signs of Hard Water and How to Fix It

As much as we all use water for various reasons throughout the day, it’s important to note that not all water is created equal. Some water is good for drinking; some is not. Some water contains a high concentration of minerals; some does not. The water that is mineral-dense is classified as “hard” water. Hard water usually contains a high concentration of calcium and magnesium, though some other minerals can be involved.


How To Mitigate Against Household Allergens

Many people think that allergens are strictly an outdoor issue. While allergens are intensified by the environment, indoor allergens can still cause just as many unsavory side effects that impede daily function. Dust mites, pet dander, mold, mildew, and even insect droppings can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Allergens are carried through the air and found on furniture, floors, carpets, rugs, and other surfaces. While no home can be 100% allergen free, mitigating against these unwanted house guests is simple.


Top 5 Emergency Plumbing Tips for Chicago Residents

Handling a Plumbing Emergency? Call Us (630) 968-0783 or Book an Appointment Online

Emergency Plumbing Repair Services in Chicago, IL & Other Areas

Plumbing emergencies are virtually inevitable and extremely common. The important thing is to be prepared ahead of time to mitigate damage to your home. Here are the top five plumbing tips to remember during an emergency. 

Facts & Fiction About Plugged Sinks | Downers Grove, IL Plumbing Repair Services

When it comes to a clogged sink, it’s important to understand what steps you need to take to get it unclogged. It’s easy to further damage your home plumbing system when trying to fix your drain on your own. To avoid unnecessary clogs and ruining your pipes here are some facts and fiction about plugged drains:

Things Your Plumber Wishes You Didn’t Do

There are dozens of helpful plumbing tips out there but not all of them are as helpful as you may think. In fact, many of those common household tips are actually bad for the wear and tear of your plumbing and the environment. It’s time to stop listening to your neighbor, Bill, for plumbing advice and start listening to the professionals.

What are the things your plumber wishes you didn’t do?
