Why Does a Plumbing System Need a Vent?

Clogged drains tend to be the first thing we think of when we think of plumbing system issues in our homes. Drain clogs can be easy for us to diagnose and most of us are handy enough to fix a typical clogged drain when they occur. However, a majority of homeowners are less familiar with the plumbing vents on their property. 

Plumbing vents are not as noticeable as other plumbing fixtures in our homes, but they are still very important. Learning what a plumbing vent does and how to maintain it for optimal use can help you save time and money when issues arise.

What is a Plumbing Vent System?

Have you ever noticed a pipe sticking out of the roof of your home? In short, that is a plumbing vent. Plumbing vents help move water quickly through your pipes and keep sewer gases from entering your living space. All plumbing systems need vents to function properly. Washing machines, kitchen sinks, toilets, and tubs require plumbing vents. Each of these devices has smaller vents that hook up to the central plumbing vent, which you see exit your home via the pipe in your roof.

Why Does My Plumbing System Need a Plumbing Vent?

Plumbing systems need air to work properly. Plumbing vents help provide the air required to release excess sewer gases. Just as you don’t tip your head back and swallow an entire glass of water at once, your home plumbing system can’t take on gallons of water at a time without a proper vent system in place.

Drains need a way to expel water and waste effectively, without pushing harmful gases and water back into your home. Plumbing vents are in place to help prevent these gases and backups from entering the house. Vents are installed to regulate air pressure in your plumbing system allowing waste and water to flow freely. If these vents become blocked, your plumbing may not drain properly.

How to Maintain a Plumbing Vent

Like any system in your home, regular maintenance is key. Depending on the location of your plumbing vent, you may be able to clean it yourself. Some vents are intricate, or are located in hard to reach places, making them more difficult to clean.

Signs Of Plumbing Vent Issues:

  • Draining taking longer than usual
  • A gurgling noise occurs as the water clears out
  • A bad, sewer-like smell is present


Plumbing Services

If you’ve tried cleaning your plumbing vent and are still experiencing issues, schedule an appointment with our team. Our team of technicians offer various types of plumbing services such as water line repair, gas line installation, drain cleaning, and water heater repair. Give our team a call to receive assistance with a plumbing issue in your living space. Our staff is committed to restoring comfort and safety to your home.