Hot Water Heater Tips For Every Season

Hot Water Heater Tips

Hot Water Heater maintenance is probably not the first thing on your mind in the summertime. The fact is, water heaters are needed year-round to heat your water for cleaning your clothes and dishes, cooking, taking baths or showers, and more. Without a water heater, we’d have to manually heat water and forfeit savings from conserved water, energy, and cost savings.

Even if you’re not using much hot water in the summer, you should still be maintaining your Hot Water Heater system to ease the transition between seasons. Follow these tips to make sure your water heater is working as it should. However, keep in mind that serious water heater maintenance should always be handled by a professional.

Time for your annual hot water heater check up? Contact Stephen’s!

Unblock air vents

Your water heater needs open space to be ventilated properly. Clearing your vents of extra clutter will help prevent the buildup of dirt and allergens that can affect its quality. This is especially important If your water heater is in a closet or cupboard; it needs an access panel that is exposed and clear for easy access.

Is the pilot light on?

The pilot light is the blue flame in your hot water heater that turns on the gas from the main burner. The flame permanently burns to keep a small supply of gas constantly released from the water heater. See if your pilot light is a) on, and b) burning blue. If it is yellow or smoky, call a plumber immediately.

Make sure the flue is accessible

The flue is a duct for smoke and water gases produced by a fuel-burning apparatus. They essentially push toxic gases into the atmosphere and out of your home where they could cause harm to your family. It is now law that the flue be made visible so joints can be adequately checked. If it is not, consult a professional on the best solution.

Turn the heat on

Like a car that isn’t driven for a long time, your water heater can freeze after long periods of time without use. Letting your heat run for 10-15 minutes a couple times over the summer will keep it humming as it should.

Check for water leaks

Water leaks are a clear sign of trouble for your water heater. Leaks indicate that an internal part, like a seal or valve, could be broken. Corrosion, rush, foundational issues, and electrical short circuits are all results of leaks that could also mean an expensive overhaul for your water heater. Inspecting your heat exchanger and overflow pipe for signs of leakage, including minor dripping and cracks, is a good way to make sure your water heater remains intact.

Hire a professional

Other than these simple maintenance tricks, annual water heater tune-ups should be performed by a certified plumber and/or HVAC technician to ensure safety and efficiency. That way, any sudden emerging issues can be addressed, and you may personally ask any questions. He or she will go over every component and clean it according to manufacturer specifications. Stephen’s has years of experience dealing with water heater replacement/repair and is up-to-date on all kinds of Hot Water Heater. If you need a new one, we can make the best recommendation that works for your home’s size and general needs.