3 Causes of Low Water Pressure in Your House

3 Causes of Low Water Pressure in Your House

Water pressure is an important aspect to a properly functioning plumbing system. You may need it for cleaning dishes, showering, or certain outdoor needs. If there’s an issue with your water pressure, it can usually be pinpointed to pretty specific causers. Issues such as blockages and water leaks are usually responsible for low water pressure in houses.  However, there are a few measures that can be taken to address issues with your water pressure and plumbing system.

Are you having issues with the water pressure in your home? Call Stephens Plumbing at (630) 968-0783 or fill out our submission form to receive plumbing assistance. To help you diagnose water line issues, we've outlined the top 3 causes of low water pressure in houses.

Top Causes of Low Water Pressure

Blockages in Water & Sewer Lines

Minerals and debris such as dirt and pollutants can travel through your water and build up over time in your pipes, causing blockages and low water pressure in your house. We do not recommend going to your local plumbing store & pouring any chemicals down your drain. Contact a plumbing specialist at Stephens Plumbing to receive assistance with a power rodding project. To help eliminate the blockage in your pipes, our team will insert an adjustable tube with a sharp head into your kitchen or bathroom drain. Once the pipe reaches the obstruction, we will activate the electrical pipe. This will cause the sharp head to spin in a fast motion to destroy the obstruction in your plumbing line.

Pipe Corrosion

While the plumbing pipes in your house may be designed with a lifespan of up to 20 years, corrosion will begin to form at the end of their life cycle. If not corrected, pipe corrosion may cause low water pressure over time in your house.This issue is something you may not be able to fully correct on your own, so your best course of action may be to call a professional plumbing repair specialist  to have your pipes replaced.

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Plumbing Line Cracks & Holes

leaks in your pipes are a pretty evident cause of low water pressure in homes. The best way to determine if you have a leak in your pipes is to turn off your water and record your meter readings. This will give you the best gauge of any leaks in your home as opposed to reading your bills. If your water usage has increased, there’s a good chance you have a leak and in that event, a certified plumber should definitely come in to inspect it for potential repairs.

Water pressure can be affected by many different issues, but if you look for the telltale signs and take the proper actions to address them, you should be in good position to have a plumbing system that’s in tip-top shape. Our team of plumbers will help you pinpoint the cause of low water pressure in your house. Give us a call by phone at (630) 968-0783 or fill out our Contact Form to receive assistance. We offer water line repair services in areas of Illinois such as Wheaton, Plainfield, Aurora, and Naperville. Our team has the tools, equipment, and skills required to resolve small to large issues in your home.

Water Line Repair & Installation Services in the Chicago Suburbs

Call Us: (630) 968-0783

If you notice excess water on the floor of your home or damp drywall, this may be a sign of a water pipe leak in your home. Schedule a water line repair appointment with our team.