How to Hire an HVAC Company

With summer in full swing, air conditioning units are running overtime. This increase in use can bring its share of issues, especially with older air conditioner systems. When our HVAC systems need repair, how do we know the right team to call? We want to hire HVAC contractors that are honest and fair, and who we can trust with one of the most expensive systems in our homes. So, how do you go about finding the right HVAC company for the job? Keep these qualifications in mind when hiring a HVAC contractors.


How to Maintain Clean Air in Your Home

When we think of dirty air, we might imagine urban smog or the choking air of a coal mine. These are certainly unpleasant areas as far as air quality goes. However, we tend to overestimate the purity of the air in our own homes. Indeed, science actually shows that homes and other buildings can have much dirtier air than the outdoors. Most of us spend a significant amount of time inside, so we should make sure we’re breathing clean air!


5 Easy Ways To Prepare Your Air Conditioner For Summer

We’re going to go ahead and guess that preparing your air conditioner for summer is probably not on your to-do list. We get it: summer seems SO far away, especially when spring is just making an appearance (however small it may be). However, taking care of your air conditioner is not only healthy for your home environment but for your budget: the Department of Energy reports that heating and cooling accounts for almost half of your utility bill.

How To Mitigate Against Household Allergens

Many people think that allergens are strictly an outdoor issue. While allergens are intensified by the environment, indoor allergens can still cause just as many unsavory side effects that impede daily function. Dust mites, pet dander, mold, mildew, and even insect droppings can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms. Allergens are carried through the air and found on furniture, floors, carpets, rugs, and other surfaces. While no home can be 100% allergen free, mitigating against these unwanted house guests is simple.


Hot Water Heater Tips For Every Season

Hot Water Heater maintenance is probably not the first thing on your mind in the summertime. The fact is, water heaters are needed year-round to heat your water for cleaning your clothes and dishes, cooking, taking baths or showers, and more. Without a water heater, we’d have to manually heat water and forfeit savings from conserved water, energy, and cost savings.